
Todoist shares quite a lot with Wunderlist. It’s a visually appealing and well-designed checklist collector with features like due dates, reminders, notes, projects and everything else you’d expect. The flat design fits well with Apple and Microsoft’s current design ethos. With the shutdown of Wunderlist, Todoist is poised to reign supreme. Todoist really shines when you start adding tasks. It uses natural language processing to help you schedule and organize your tasks. For example, type in “Submit timesheet every other Friday at 5 PM.” The task will automatically be created and land on the right day with the right due date. It removes a lot of the friction of adding items to your list, making the app easier to use. There’s a multitude of ways to organize tasks, too. You can add colors, tags, and priority rankings to tasks and then create filtered lists based on those parameters. Collaboration is also a more prominent feature of the app, with more of an emphasis on sharing projects and assigning tasks. Subtasks subordinate one task to another, keeping your list organized. Todoist can run on almost anything with a screen (toasters excluded). Platforms without dedicated apps are supported by a web app. The core application is free, but the Premium package includes a ton of legitimately useful features like complete collaboration tools, location-based reminders, email reminders, and custom filters. The app does tend to hassle you to sign up for the Premium package, with easily-clickable UI elements that pop up an ad, but it’s not a major inconvenience.

Like Todoist, is a web-based to-do manager that’s available on almost every platform. The user interface shares a similar design with simple rectangles and lots of whitespace dominating the view both in browser and in the app. Natural language processing is missing, unfortunately, as is the ability to add list items to projects. If you like to keep one giant to-do list with a minimal interface, than is great. Power users will likely miss Wunderlist’s organizational features almost immediately. The built-in “ Moment” is a helpful way to organize your day. If you have the app installed on your phone, you’ll get a short review of everything on your plate for the day. You can then move events around, rescheduling as necessary to accommodate what you need to get done. The app also sports “hidden” features like automated reminders to return missed calls, adding content via email, and shaking your phone to clear out old to-do items. As expected, the app includes a Premium option that adds a bunch of features, like collaboration options, file uploads, multiple color schemes and unlimited “moments” per month (free users get are limited to five). Overall, the app doesn’t feel as powerful as Todoist, but it’s a great choice for a simple to-do manager.

Remember the Milk

Remember The Milk has been around for ages, but it’s just recently been massively redesigned. The to-do manager is a powerful organizational tool. “Smart add” incorporates the natural language processing of Todoist. It app adds even more organizational features, like tags, to keep your list clean. And almost all the collaboration tools are available from the start, so you don’t need to shell out money to share tasks. Smart lists automatically organize tasks based on their criteria, and powerful search tools makes finding tasks easier. The company is dedicated to helping power users do more, and every interaction with their service shows that. Infuriatingly, however, the app doesn’t support reminders unless you subscribe to the $39.99/year pro version. You can set up email reminders instead, but restricting such a crucial features makes the app much harder to recommend. Subtasks are similarly restricted, making the app less useful for free users. But if you can afford the subscription, Remember the Milk might be the most flexible to-do list you’ve ever used.


Right now Todoist is the strongest replacement candidate for Wunderlist users looking to jump ship. It includes nearly all the same features along with some new additions to help better organize your life.